Death by Plants retail consists of Plants, Alternative Plant-wares, Plant Accessories, Artworks and Handcrafted products by Independent Artists.



We are working with some amazing local folk, creating Handcrafted Products, Artworks, and Accessories, new Alternative Pot Designs, and we have some rad intentions for much more.

We are passionate about all things Home Jungle. All our plants are propagated and grown here in our home nursery, aka The Cubbyhouse, and some may be 'one offs' that are slower to propagate, so check back regularly.



We are pesticide, herbicide and fungicide free. We rely on natural intergraded pest management systems guided by the Ethics and Circular Systems Thinking of Permaculture. We also steer clear of commercial fertilizers and unnecessary additives when ever possible, choosing to use our own compost and worm castings to nourish our living soils which then feeds our plants naturally.

Permaculture is a way of life here at DBP. We strive to live by the Ethics of Permaculture;

Earth Care

People Care

Return of Surplus / Fair Share

A lot of what we do here is small consistent actions, becoming more aligned with these Ethics, to live not just sustainable, but regeneratively.

Our long game is to assist renters and low income earners set up Permaculture systems to empower lifestyle resilience. If this vibes with you, check out our Solution Services, or get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.

We acknowledge and celebrate the traditional custodians of Gubbi Gubbi country, the unceded land on which we are blessed to live and work. We extend this respect and gratitude to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across so called australia, and beyond. We recognise their continued connection to the lands, waters, and communities. We pay deep respect, and offer thanks, to Elders past, present, and emerging, and all First Nations People, as they continue to nurture this land, as they have done since man and woman awoke from the great dream.

We have so much to learn & unlearn.


Always was, Always will be


Gubbi Gubbi Country (south east, so called queensland, australia) 4510


Living environmentally and socially conscious means the world to us! We're not perfect but we are curious and compassionate.

Be Radical


Female Owner Operator 


