šŸƒSunday Speaks

šŸƒSunday Speaks

šŸƒSunday SpeaksĀ 


Check-in with me, how's you? How was your week and what are you looking forward to? How's you floating šŸŖ¼

Another beautiful clear day here on Gubbi Gubbi Country. It's New Moon. Set those intentions, know your goals, and lesgo!

I've decided I'm going to move this to a separate blog if it's on, with enabled comments. Maybe one sat someone somewhere will feel less alone or something šŸ˜Š

This got a lil personal and noval-ish but ima roll with it šŸŖ¼šŸŖ¼šŸŖ¼

Soo I did it again today. I woke before 5, thanks kats, got up moving to avoid my brain, and started chasing priorities, before setting my compass and mapping my course.

Took the compost out and immediately started rotating, shuffling, resetting.Ā Which lead me to checking the worms bins, and then watering them. Which lead me watering a few plants along the way, and then I pulled up as I was about to dive into repotting th Yacons, and rearrange that section of garden to try and fit metal 'raised bed' in that area, thats on a slope, would require a lot of brute energy.Ā 

Which is fine, it's actually the best time to do it, while the air is cool and the area is shaded, and generally speaking I'm manic-ish when I first wake.

The thing is tho, I want to map my days, map my weeks, and hopefully get to a stage where I can map months, and make plans, with action steps, and actually fucking execute it. Aaaaand I dunno actually achive something other than oiling the immediate squickest wheel. Bigger pictures. Meta goals.Ā 

Over the past year, my main barriers with this is force's out of my control, that requires all of me, have me stopping what I'm doing, not just in a moment, but whole days, or whole sections of a day. A lot of the time these require my capacity of emotional labour or invisible mental load.

Once outted from what I'm doing, I can't just jump back in and continue from where I was. A day away, can mean I have walk around in circles for day, doing little priorities which lead from one thing into another, into another, like this mornings circles, and then the next day I'll be like ok this, this, and this, course of action, go. But that course of action is only ever immediate future.Ā 

Much like having a job outside of the home, would impeded momentum on a home project. (I'll be so fucked when I do start working outside of the home, I do need to for consistent financial independence). But because my job isn't official as such, my hours are flexible, my goals are not priorities, my time is not respected to some degree, I am taken for granted to some degree.

But also that flexibility (? lack of better word) is literally why I am even able to try, and to dream of what I want to achieve with Death by Plants.

I created Death by Plants to fit in around all these other things. Because there is no way I can hold down even shift work at the moment, because of the demands of these things. (again, better word than 'demands' would be good, they are, but I don't mean this in a resented way).

And this all ties into why I'm so passionate about teaching Permaculture too. There are so many people in care giver/support roles, who come from a place of low income lifestyle cultures, who may have the luxury of time blocks, but due to care roles, no income, and those cultures at play, remain at a certain level of existence for many years at a time. Practicing Permaculture won't solve all their problems but it's a great vehicle for change and spring board other things into motion.

So coming out of Dark Moon, out of the Work of Shadows, of the last week, stepping into New Moon, stepping into activation phase, setting goals and celebrating each step along the way.Ā 

From the Shadows my focus has been on my patterns of behaviour. Where am I leaning into feedback loops, where am I harvesting, am I seeing them for what they are, am I see potential as fact, or am I just being a goldfish doing the same circle work, enjoying the saftey and familiarity of it all. And as always finishing this phase with who am I, where am I, what do I want, am I aligned.


šŸƒSunday Speaks


Check-in with me, how's you? How was your week and what are you looking forward to? How's you floating šŸŖ¼

Gubbi Gubbi Country, Cloudy, cool but muggy, If that's a thing? The breeze is cool but it's muggy, idk, maybe it's just me, I'm out of sorts. And there has a pretty solid breeze all night and yesterday, with rain on and off all yesterday, rainy morning the day before. We definitely needed the good soak.

Almost Dark Moon, time for shadow work, and boy do I need it! I've been pretty unhinged online lately. With good reason but need to be smarter about it, and more articulate. When I'm working in the sun for instance, don't try to communicate with new ppl šŸ˜‚.

Week was pretty solid. Im a bit proud Rn. I honoured myself with a full rest day yesterday, taking cue from the weather and spent majority of the day physically still, allowing mental process of a few big things that have been looming for the last year. When we moved all our interpersonal dynamics shifted, and stagnant behavioural patterns were upheavaled.

Which also leads to physical objects no longer serving purpose. Things I've held on to for there potential, when in reality some haven't been used in two years or more since I first hurt my back.

Like my punching bag stand with speed ball, solid metal boxing frame! I fkn love it soooo much! I've had my own bag since I was like 18 that I'd hang I've any beam that would suport. Then got this when my older kids and I got our first place together. Now it just doesn't fit here, the speed ball strap snapped, and we dumped the last bag due to dead spots. If i could set it up with space to dance, I would, and I'm sure the lad would use it to, but I just can't make it work.

Another thing I'm bit proud of rn is setting good personal patterns. Im constantly showing up for myself in ways of self care, physically and mentally. Feeling bluugh after slow day yesterday, all the mentals are still processing, but pushed myself to get up and create a smashing fast! Rather than just Cerial or white breath that leaves me crashy a hour or so later.

Looking forward to? I'm not sure, I'm at a place of in-between. I recently had to put DBP nursery work on hold again, so getting back in there and finishing repotting the small plants will be good.

Repotting the shade house would be amazing! Sharing my "demotivational poster" quality photo spam the other day, has helped cement it as a priority. It honestly looks like stray cats have run through the shelf! So many totems a leaning over and out of place.

Re-cataloguing all the small nursery plants, totems and mother plants would actually fking amazing too.


šŸƒSunday Speaks


Check in with me šŸŒž How's you? How was your week and what are you looking forward to? How's you floating šŸŖ¼


Beautiful cool morning here on Gubbi Gubbi Country.




It's very hazey. Draws my thoughts to summer weather emergencies and being prepared.

Having a storm kit, but also looking into bushfire patterns in this region. And problematic spots for fire, floods, and other, between my home and destination Im obligated to attend.

What might the 'other' be in this region. Down in Ormeau any hint of anything and there is pretty much complete grid lock. Public holidays, a small storm, etc. The roads here are soooo much better. So many back roads that all link up.

OK my week. Good. Lots of driving. Supporting those I love and seeing them make gigantic progress and seeing them spark alive. Fills my cup! Hugs from wonderful people. Heart full. Pockets full of seeds again šŸ˜‡


Not a hint of agoraphobia! Have had a few triggers to drink lately - beautiful weather, all my fave people happy and hanging out. Over a year sober āœŠ

Looking forward to finishing up a big transition thing in one of my support roles, which frees up my time and energy. Which means spending more time in the CubbyHouse to get all these left over plants repotted and seeing if any of them are actually valued stock. I love them, but that doesn't mean people want to buy them. May be some big decisions there, can't keep sinking energy (and money on resources) into it if it's not going to pay out. I have to push to that capital mindset, and get some money in.



Ā šŸƒSunday Speaks


Monday edition, bc honestly I just kinda forgot what day it was, and woke up today like, ahh yes, glorious Sunday morning šŸŒž


So,.. Check-in with me, how's you? How was your week and what are you looking forward to? šŸŖ¼ How's you floating?


Stunning clear fresh day here on Gubbi Gubbi Country. Birbs are farting and carrying on. Had a random down pour last night and fuck we privileged! Fucking hell! Almost full moon šŸŽ‘


I my mind right now is INCLUSION & ACCOMMODATIONSĀ 


So I hate that this is a thing but it's unavoidable for me right now so I'ma ramble. My community is online. My connection with friends is via messaging and online. And I'm OK with that.


Every time I share Permaqueers Regen course with in fb Permaculture groups there is a mass of beige repling negative shit. Recently in the Queensland Permaculture group,

I gave it straight back. I was going too far for my acceptance of how I govern myself, but I wasn't nearly as feral I would have been if on my personal. I reported poor comments to admin. The admin available shut off comments then removed the post.

A wk later I share it again and absolutely nothing. Not one comment. So refreshing. And then yesterday some clown is like "you've lost me". Like mate, do you need a fuckin map?


An admin has thrown up a post that is a honey pot to all these nasty beigians. The post basically says Permaculture is intrinsically woke, and so it should be. They go on to reply to comments with great articulation and arnt being reactive. It is a great conversation that needs to be had.


Every person commenting appears to white, and middle aged. Not shocked, this is fb on a wknd after all. Also noting I am queer white and middle aged.

I think there has been one fem presenting person who's comment asked what woke means. Their replies were neutral and joyful. Not denouncing woke. The rest are male appearing.


Here's the thing, of a group of so many people. It may look like the majority are anti woke. But if you count the actual number of people commenting, and the likes of those comments, etc. It's such a small number compared to the size of the group.


PAY ATTENTION TO WHO IS LIKING COMMENTS! Do they run business? Liking a comment is saying you agree with that statement. Is this a business that is safe? Or are they just putting on a polite persona?Ā 


They all basically come around to the same points, that they feel the need to express they are transphobic and ground from a hetronormative place of white male privilege.


Race doesn't get much of mention, but does still come up in hints, and they draw lines at making accommodations. Where at a place now where being racist is shamed out of public conversation.


Being Gay doesn't get a huge mention, but the word Queer actively triggers the keyboard cowards. Homophobia is much like racism, it's generally shameful to show in most public conversations.


The returning patterns of making multiple other point to try draw in debate on those points, is a basic strategy that they are probably unaware their even doing. They bring up other points wanting to debate that (instead of the point made in the op) because that gives them a sense of control. One person every cryed out that the OP (original poster) won't reply to each point, and they then went on to delete a comment that had been replied to, and repost almost the exact same comment as a reply to another comment. The comment contains a question to draw in reply, but it's a back handed closed question that is more of a 'I'm so smart'.


It's extreamly disappointing that more diverse voices arnt adding to the conversation, but it's sign of how many of us deal with these closed hearted people. Don't feed them. Ignore them. This is labour, and they ain't getting paid.


This post is not trying to push anything on anyone, or change their minds. It's a flag to the rest of us. It's a statement, that this group isn't just a gardening group, it's Permaculture and Permaculture has and will always be political, and inclusive. It's also an opportunity to block who you need to.


šŸƒSunday Speaks


Check-in with me, how's you? How was your week and whats something your looking forward to? How's you floating šŸŖ¼


Its such a fucking beautiful clear cool morning here on Gubbi Gubbi Country, but it feels like it's going to be hot af later.


I've a full worky support day today, not mad, good company and always a laff, also physical which I'm also not mad at bc I'd rather that then mentals.


Week has been chill, every seems over change of season head colds and recovered from accidents. Made a heaaap of progress in the CubbyHouse, wish I had have been taking photos! If hacan look back and go, oh I did this this and the, THEN moved on to this, this, and this,... It really helps bc others wise I'm like, I've know I've been busy all week but what gave I actually done!


So many things are foreverthe 'moving cars' quote from 'The Castle'.


"I need to get the Torana out to get to the Commodore.ā€ ā€œSure thing Dad, but I'll have to get the keys to the Cortina if I'm gunna move that Camira.ā€


And until that last planet aligns, nothing really comes together.


Feels so good to have our website Reopened, even tho cart is closed, it still a huge achievement for me, and means I can now start working on the next phase linking in Resources, strengthening networks, and time slot for education.


While chipping away at the CubbyHouse, I've been constantly listening to Permaculture related podcasts. Poetically I had two in a row talk about their journey of starting again. It was a reminder that I desperately needed. I can't just jump back into where I was at the old place. While some systems have directly transfered, I am often shown how many of those systems run on intuition from being in place for long.


Eg, plant breaks when repotting, I intuitively know I can leave the cutting in xyz spot, where they'll be safe, dry out, but not too dry, and in my face/my course, so I won't forget about them. Little things. But I have to think and calculate certain things rather than just flow.


OK time check, fuk, gotta move, looking forward to...

Ever dam say tbh! Feeling very much alive and sober. With this gorgeous weather, and our fam life being in balance, every things peachy.

Oh looking forward to joining courses! Saving up for one in particular, and then after that I'm targeting Permaculture Teacher Training!


šŸƒSunday Speaks


Check in with me! How's you? How was your week and what are you looking forward to? How's you floating šŸŖ¼


Coming into Dark Moon and It's fucin waaaarrrmmm! Beautiful clear weather, not as hazey as the last few days, yet. This extream heat is worrying. It's got me in a weird state of mind, wondering if there's any point in goals etc, impending doom, slight manic to be prepared, to do more. And this isn't pushed by external media style consumption, it's just there. All the same, shake it off.


šŸ„³Celebration day! It's our 4th birthday and our website is open!

Cart is disabled and all stock is marked as 'sold out' for a short period while physical systems are set up for better management of actions.

Some thing needs updating still, like DBP pot prices, and a few things have duplicate photos. But all in all I think flows well and linked right.


Golly golly gosh it took sme restraint to not fall down rabbit holes of info dives! I've placed a few dopamine mines on my sitting tree, just waiting for me me to circle back.


Feedback welcome šŸ˜Š


Dreaming forward, Id like to stock more retail, pride flags and merch, low levels of decor, insence and accessories, and general complementary products.


Ā Building the capital to invest in each core element of Death by Plants without loans is a slow road but we did it before, and I'm certain we can work back up to place of abundance.



šŸƒ Sunday Speaks


Check-in with me šŸ How's you? Where you at? How was your week, and wahat are you looking forward to? How are you šŸŖ¼floating?


Fucking gorgeous day here on Gubbi Gubbi Country. Was able to get out for a early walk, yummers good eats & tea, feeling privileged and grateful.


The last week of rain lined up with a headcold keeping minlad out of school, great rest period, and office type stuff done. And his Bday this week, all the lovely family feels.


I put in some big hours reformatting our website, striving for a September soft relaunch. I will be sharing what's available as it becomes available, but also this does not mean we will be full sweat hard sales push.


Its looking like will attending Yandina markets which is super exciting!,Ā  and Beachmere community garden market, in the not too distant future. I haven't done markets in like 8years so it's like starting new. The old boy has had a stall there for like five years, probably more, so th at's cool.


Ā 12/8/24

šŸƒSunday Speaks

Monday edition, bc I just genuinely forgot. I stayed in be almost all day, enjoying all the things.


Check in with me šŸ’ How's you? Where you at? How was your wkend, and what are you looking forward to? How's you floating šŸŖ¼


It's a very overcast day here on Gubby Gubby country. Morning walks are starting to get a lot warmer, and the Plovers are making me nervous.

I can't really remember last week. I'm pretty happy with how my latest hypa focus on ferments is going. Still feel the need to have some tell me how to do things, as a posed to reading how to do them.

The Kimchi is very tastey. I was afraid I wouldn't like it or only just want a small bit and then not eat the rest. But I'm surprised how moreish it is! I've started adding a scoop to my fried eggs for Sunday Breakfast. It's so good. The heat brings out the ginger a lot more.


Started Tepache this morning. It's pineapple skin and sugar, with cinnamon, or any flavour you like really.


Week ahead is not planned out. My main work for us is repotting the nursery but rain is predicted so I'll have to play each day as it comes.


Indoors I'm still working on the website, gearing up to reopen in September, with out cart. Then once we have enough stock, and shipping systems up to date, I'll have to make enough to cover the website fees of around $40 a month with shopify. Advertising and drawing traffic is not my shining talent.


I keep seeing free wood pallets about and would love to upcycle into small boxes to sell, and encourage some of the young people here to take on that project, but also afraid of starting another project that I'd have to push them to do. They're a bi t lost atm.





šŸƒSunday Speaks

Check-in with me. How's you? Where you at? How's was your week,what are you looking forward to? How's you floating šŸŖ¼

Gorgeous day once again here on Gubbi Gubbi Country. I've a had a great week, feeling achieved that all the lol systems I've implemented here are starting to flow into each other nicely.

I know I've spoke about this a bit over the last few days buuuut getting the all good from our rentals owners and property manager, is LONG TERM HOUSING SECURITY. Which opens up a different way of living.

Sooo I'm really looking forward to setting up veggie gardens! Thinking I'll go with both IBC wicking and smaller raised beds. Aaand it's such great timing, having a lil bit of time to plan before spring hits




šŸƒSunday Speaks


Check-in with me šŸ’ How's you? Where you at? How was your week and what are you looking forward to? How's you floating šŸŖ¼?


Cool overcast day here on Gubbi Gubbi Country. I'm feeling the pull of spring and resisting the urge to go plant 10,000 seeds. I need to plan space and needs before diving in.


Past week really was a wk, but it's all smooth now and we keep putting one foot in front of the other, with best intentions and grounding on open hearts.


We've got a house inspection, with the owners coming for a walk through. We've been in our new rental for 8months now. Still not fully unpacked, still finding homes for certain elements, and still moving around other elements. All in all I'm really vining with the bones I've laid out. Fingers crossed the owners don't freak out at the lack of bare yards. šŸ¤žšŸ˜£ šŸ¤žPlease be woke, please be woke, pleaseĀ  be woke.


Ā 21/7/24

šŸƒSunday Speaks


Check-in with me, how's you? Where you at? How was your week, what are you looking forward to? šŸŖ¼How's you floating?


It's fucking windy yo! Yiiikes!

I'm hella hurting rn with rough seas in my relationship with my partner. I'm so fucking numb, so Ima keep it short. No advice or sympathy please.


Tell me what your looking forward to. Tell me great earthly things that's going on. Send sunshine and fresh tree ripened lemons šŸ‹


Art creds





šŸƒSunday Speaks


Check-in with me. Hows you? Where you at? How was your week and what are you looking forward to? šŸŖ¼ How are you floating?


Absolutely fucking gorgeous day here on Gubbi Gubbi Country. The sun is rising earlier, mulberrys are waking up throwing new sprouts ā˜€ļø


I'm good, happy, buzzy. Ive been semi manic all week and I'm not sure why. Feeling very good, accomplished, like I'm making progress.


Still havnt found a new short course to dive into, and am very seriously considering the self paced educators course by Morag. IF, huge IF, the 12 month payment plan is doable. I have a feeling it's going to cost extra in the long run. but also I just can't justify taking that hit on our weekly budget. Isolation between wanting to, acknowledging I can't afford it, and looking at it from every other angle, like maybe if I just..,or could I.., etc.


Yea no, it's not for me. Short courses Alexis! Stick with short courses šŸ˜’ If you see any, holla at me.


Moving forward, looks like I'm no longer needed in a certain support role on Sundays any more! So I may be able to start looking into weekend clock on/clock off work too! Or more realistic, start doing markets. If you know if any smaller markers around Morten Bay Region, south Sunny coast or north Brisney, lemme know.




šŸƒSunday Speaks


Check-in with me. How's you? Where you at? How was your week, what's coming up on your radar? How are you floating šŸŖ¼?


I'm not sure what the weather is doing today here on Gubbi Gubbi Country. If kinda feels like it should rain but there's not really any clouds. Sun rise and sun set has been magic this last week.


I was able to muster some form of dedication to start early morning walks, and today is the first wknd I've been able to stay home for a hot minute, so hoping that dedication can stay with me and get the patio cleared off. It's just all this stuff that doesn't have homes.


At our old place, my CubbyHouse was water proof roof tarp. It was a place for plant shelves, storage for potting mediums, totem making resources, tools, etc. Everything was in there, it was my main work station. When setting up here, the old roof tarp was starting to shed plastic do I binned it and put on shade cloth. Which means all these other things no longer have a home. And I'm really struggling to redesign a work space.Ā 


Another frustration, I plugged in the Gerni earlier, and it was 'on' when I plugged it in, unplugged it straight away, bc I wasn't standing beside it to turn it off, and the hose wasn't on yet. Turned hose on, turned Gerni 'off', plugged it back in, and nothing! She no go!


It threw me a little bit, like ok what am I doing now. Scroll. Start writing this, and typing 'floation', as I'm sitting outside with gentle breeze on my back that kinda swirls around me, sent me back to days of floating down creeks on tire tubes for literally kilometres. The was water moves around each obstacle šŸƒšŸƒšŸƒ


Eds, some days I amaze myself at how much I do, and/or what I do when procrastinating. Today, Fire &Ā  mas h mellows šŸ”„šŸ¤¤


Ā 16/6/24

šŸƒSunday Speaks

Check in with me šŸŒ» How's you? How's your week been? Where you at? How you floating šŸŖ¼


šŸŒ’šŸŒ•šŸŒ˜Winter Solstice next weekend, 22nd June


It's another clear cool sunny day here on Gubby Gubby Country.


There's been little rain, which is normal for this time of year. The nights are starting to get down pretty low, enough to rug up but not unbearable.

Days are warm and it's easy to keep going getting things done, but I still feel the frustration at slow progress.


I feel like part of this frustration is due to not having clear goals, with manageable realistic steps to get there. I'm just running of priorities like I'm still in survival mode. This mindset is hard to move through to a thriving mindset.


Other things in my minds eye atm;

šŸ“’Continuing a lil deep dive on the Principles of Permaculture, collecting information and setting up a teaching kit of resources.

šŸ§„Still havnt repotted the garlic

šŸ«˜I finally got around to buying Mung beans and sprouting them! This is actually of of those things that is so rediculousely easy but I just hadn't got there.

šŸ”Still unpacking boxes and finding homes for things and sorting, and trying to rehome. The balance between wanting to get some cash for somethings and just taking it to the opshop to be done with this phase, isĀ  a fickle bitch!


Ā 9/6/24

šŸƒSunday Speaks

šŸ§™New Moon šŸŽ‘

Set your intentions, your goals, and let's go!


ā˜€ļøIt's a beautiful clear cool day here on Gubby Gubby Country.


How's you? Where's you at? šŸŖ¼How are you floating? Check in šŸ’


We've had a head cold go through half the fam over the last two wks, and the rest of us are fighting off.

Please hit me with your best immunity boosting, or congestion aliviateing t hings šŸāœØ



Ā 2/6/24

šŸƒSunday Speaks


How's you? Where you at? How you floating? šŸŖ¼


šŸŒˆ Happy Pride Month šŸŒˆĀ 

It's Winter! Cool humid morning with wispy clouds, after a rainy day yesterday, here on Gubby Gubby Country.


I'm feeling...low,but not low low. Just a lil mentally emotionally drained. I need to structure in to happy hypo frolic time. With actual people. I need to feed of other people's energy! But in a giving back, shared love way, not energy vampire.


Bigots seem to be out in force rn, irl n keyboard cowards, and it's a lil depression inducing, brings up recent feelings of having to step back from a family member, once again. It sux.


They say all the 'I love yous' and 'if you ever need anything', but then ten seconds later repeatidly cross boundaries, use offensive derogatory language, then get nasty defensive when I kindly enforcing boundries. It's just fucked, like why you gotta be so shit, I wanted you in my life.

Reminder, you can love someone and still restrict their access to you.


Looking forward, I brought the things to make the brain juices, to do the things! Wall mounted year calendar, and desk to month at a glance calendar,... not that I have a desk or any clear surface to put it on! šŸ˜‚ Don't let the details stop me! I'm getting organised. SettingĀ  goals,.. Ish.


Ā 26/5/24

šŸƒSunday Speaks

Hi hi! How are you? How you feeling in your emotions? In your mind? In your body?

šŸ§­Where are you at? How are you floating? šŸŖ¼šŸŖ¼šŸŖ¼


It's is the mooost gorgeous clear sunny day here today on Gubby Gubby Country.


I'm feeling clear in my mind, and it's so good. I often have long bouts of brain fog, and low functioning days, silent migraines, aka 'the dumb!' / 'isbrainded'. But not today šŸ˜


Some of the things I do to combat this, my mental health dips, and general physical well-being, is basically living like a granma šŸ˜‚ and I'm very much ok with that šŸ§™


Watching sunrise. Eating clean when ever possible. Eating leafy green shit along with nutritional yeast and olive oil, at least once a day. Spending time in the sun. Tracking what I do each day. Gardening in one form or another. Watching sunset and moonrise. I'm sure there's more but these are the basic lil things that make feel myself. I want to add early morning walks to this but Im just not doing, still struggle with getting out the front door for non necessities.Ā 


I've probably mentioned it a few times already but I Fuking LOVE that my bedroom has a large east facing window. I dont have the most spectacular view but there is a clear wide view of the sky.

Moonrise is perfection,..if I can sneak off to bed early.

Sunrise is medative.

Now I just want to kick my habitual scrolling!


In photos is some things for accountability. If I post it, I may actually do it. Kinda like body doubling. It's void doubling.


*cardboard - for worm bin

*the swe et potatoes - oh boi


Ā 19/5/24

šŸƒSunday Speaks


Checking in, how's you, where are you at (if in so called australia, what/whos country are you on), how are you floating šŸŖ¼


It's cool here on Gubby Gubby country! Not cold but when I breath in through my nose is fresh and reminds of walking through th bush at dawn. It reminds me of th smells of leaf litter and koala piss. I say fondly. Like the fondness of Petrichor. It's beeeeeen for ever since I've been bush. I don't have private access to land and can't go camping with other life things. But now I have a goal!


I've always struggled to take my offspring on my own anywhere, let alone camping, just too much for me. So for the last 15yrs I focused primarily on creating home environments that served multiple purposes. At one stage we even had a tent set up in the back yard for them.Ā 


Now I'm down to one minor, and his father is now available weekends, after always working wknds and nights. I feel like we may actually be able to do stuff. It's such a privilege so many people take for granted. Like having a reliable car.



Ā 5/5/24

šŸƒSunday speaks

How's you? How was your week? Where you at? What's th happyhaps? How are you floating šŸŖ¼ Check in šŸø


šŸŒ§ļøšŸŒ«ļøšŸŒ§ļø Cool rainy day here on Gubby Gubby Country, and there's ukulele (I think) music wafting through out neighbourhood. Im feeling in between modes of myself. There's flux here that's out of my control, and I have to just float with it, help where I can, be present.Ā 


Merry day!Ā Ā 

Samhain šŸ§™šŸŽƒ Witches NYE!Ā 

Th cross quarter between th Autum Equinox and Winter Solstice.Ā 


It's a time of deep reflection,Ā  honouring our ancestors, and acknowledging without death, there is no rebirth. Th vale between worlds is at its thinnest. Also a marker of if your not ready for th cooler weather you better get your shit together.Ā 


This year I've been meditating a lot on my ancestors, and past versions of myself. I am almost completely disconnected on one side of my family. Strangely I feel more connection and calling from there. But I'm also cautious for any work on either side. What if their jerks šŸ˜‚ Seriously tho. We all talk as if ancestors are instantly woke, enlightened once past our realm. I'm curious and treading respectfully.Ā 


This time is when we seasonally could/should/can celebrate 'Halloween', but I don't bother any more. Th words lost all meaning to me and is now only another representation of consumer culture. I've disconnected and returned it to where it came from in my life - initially TV land.



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