Flower Count

Flower Count

I'm excited to add this blog post as a before shot, a place I can come back to and measure progress 😁😁😁


Did a quick Flower count in our kitchen garden zone this morning. And this is it! Just 14! No natives! 😵‍💫😳 And how many of actually flawer all year?
Thoughts go straight to, Time to plant more!! What can I plant that will serve many purposes? I'd love to add heaps of herbs that flower all year or most of the year. Native violet will be numerous uno!

Of the 14;

- 2 are in the rental garden, out of my control, not my doing, so no Cred. 

3 are intended edibles
- Spring onion (not really a flower but it was).
- Thai Basil. 
- Lemon tree 

6 intended Support plants
- Mother of all Herbs. Is edible!, creates micro climate, living mulch, biomass, habitat, flowers all year.(and there is dogs bane (not edible) there too, basically the same flower.I would count different types of basil as different plants in this context, so I'm lumping matter of all Herbs and Dogs bane together).
- 7 Pigeon Pea. Edible, biomas, flower all year, nitrogen fixer.
- Cosmos. Planted just for flowers. 
- Geranium. Planted as sunblock, creates micro climate, habitat, biomass, and for flower. 
- Bromeliads. Habitat, microclimate. 
- Purple Heart Tradescantia. Living mulch, biomass, habitat, sun tolerant. 

1 Random
- Crown of Thorns. I've actually had this plant since 2001! 

3 Self seeded / vulunteers
- No idea
- Clover. 
- no idea number 2. 
- Yellow Flower! I just notices in the background of the mother of all Herbs! 🤞Please be Dandelion! 🤞Please be Dandelion! 🤞Please be Dandelion! 🤞 I'll have a proppa geeze in the am!

I may or may not ad IDs to those missing later, hopefully I pass out early, bc I sure as fuk did not sleep last night!


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